Start developing with Ludobox

Here are all commands to contribute to the development of Ludobox

What we cover here :

  1. Install the server app using ./bin/install
  2. Install the client app using node
  3. Generate some test data
  4. Run all tests

Issues and questions

Issues in questions can be addressed directly on our Github


The client is written in ES6, using jsx and React.

We try to follow Clean Code standard

Make sure that you have node > 4 installed before starting.

cd client    
npm install
npm start

One you got all npm packages correctly, the npm start command will watch and rebuild automatically while you develop (using webpack).


npm test

Get coverage using npm run coverage. Results are browsable in HTML at ./client/coverage/.

Build for production

npm run build

Server / Backend

The backend is basically a JSON API running on Flask/ Python. Most of the content are static files, except the index.

To install the server, just run ./bin/install

You can also install directly the Python library using

cd server
python install

You will need to copy and edit the config file for the app to start

cp config.yml.sample config.yml

Then you can start the server in debug mode

ludobox start --debug


We use py.test to collect and run the tests. There is a wrapper available :

ludobox test

You can use ludobox test --trace to show the complete trace logs.


If you want to collect information about test coverage, run the following command

coverage run --source ludobox -m ludobox.main test

Generate (fake) data

For testing purposes, you can generate fake game descriptions using the faker app.

cd bin/faker
npm install
npm start


Docs are stored in the /docs folder. They are automatically built at using Read the Docs / MkDocs.

Release a new version

We use bumpversion to release new versions of the app. The following sequence will release a patch to github :
